The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or much more commonly referred to as simply NASA, typically sparks thoughts of outer space, space shuttle, space exploration, astronaut, and other items that involve science beyond on our planet. With the shuttle program ceasing, the organization looks to highlight its other and ongoing accomplishments that relate to analyzing Earth through the new NASA Visualization Explorer app for iPad.
NASA Visualization Explorer is a news and reference app to spotlight intriguing articles about NASA’s cutting-edge technology and research that helps in our current daily plans and assists in making critical decisions for the future. These short articles touch on anything from weather models that help meteorologists provide up to 10-day weather forecasts to how much carbon plants are absorbing.
In addition to the headline image, some articles contain multiple photos and brief videos, consisting of documentaries, time lapsed data presentation, etc. Change articles with a quick swipe left or right on the headline image, tap the left or right arrows, or pick from the list by tapping on the bottom-leftmost button. Tap the up arrow below the headline image to show the article text and additional media.
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